Invisalign aligners is a form of braces that use clear tray aligners. They’re made of Invisalign’s own blend of plastic and manufactured in their own facilities based on molds of your mouth. The aligners are a solid piece of plastic that is strong enough to put pressure on specific parts of your teeth to slowly move them into a better position.
To get Invisalign, you first need to have a consultation with your dentist. They’ll look at your smile, your overall oral health, and take impressions of your mouth. Then, Invisalign makes their aligners unique to your mouth for a custom fit.
Invisalign is an orthodontic system that uses clear, removable aligners to correct the position of teeth. These aligners are custom-made and are changed approximately every two weeks.
Invisalign works through a series of custom-made aligners that apply gentle, constant pressure to your teeth, gradually moving them into the desired position. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks before you move on to the next in the series.
Patients may experience some discomfort at the beginning of each new aligner due to the pressure exerted on the teeth. However, this discomfort is usually temporary and much less intense than that associated with traditional braces.
It is recommended to remove your aligners when eating and drinking anything other than water. This prevents stains and damage to the aligners and maintains good oral hygiene.
Invisalign offers several advantages, including invisibility, comfort, removability, and easy oral hygiene maintenance. It also tends to cause less irritation to the gums and inside of the mouth compared to traditional braces.
Two visits are required.
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